Asian Authors Directory

Dr. Virginia Loh-Hagan is an author, university faculty member, and former K-8 teacher. She’s currently the Director of the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Center at San Diego State University. She writes books about things that geek her out. She especially likes to write about her Chinese-American heritage. After all, she was born on Flag Day in the Year of the Dragon. She’s also interested in writing fun facts about monsters, weird bodily noises, urban legends, hot dogs, and anything on the odd side. She has over 300 books out in the world! She lives in northern San Diego with two non-trained naughty dogs and one semi-well-trained husband.
The Jade Dragon (Candlewick Press, 2008)
Paper Son: Lee’s Journey to America (Sleeping Bear Press, 2013)
PoPo’s Lucky Chinese New Year (Sleeping Bear Press, 2016)
Nian: The Chinese New Year Dragon (Sleeping Bear Press, 2019)
T is for Thor: A Norse Mythology Alphabet Book (Sleeping Bear Press, 2020)