Asian Authors Directory

Tara Sim
Tara Sim is the author of SCAVENGE THE STARS (Disney-Hyperion) and the TIMEKEEPER trilogy (Sky Pony Press) and writer of all things magic. She can often be found in the wilds of the Bay Area, California.
When she’s not writing about mischievous boys in clock towers, Tara spends her time drinking tea, wrangling cats, and occasionally singing opera. Despite her bio-luminescent skin, she is half-Indian and eats way too many samosas.
Book Title(s):
Timekeeper (SkyPony, 2016)
Chainbreaker (SkyPony, 2018)
Firestarter (SkyPony, 2019)
Scavenge the Stars (LBYR, 2020)
Ravage the Dark (LBYR, 2021)
she/her Identity:
Age Categories:
Young Adult