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Asian Author Alliance

Asian Authors Directory

Mike Jung
Mike Jung

Mike Jung is the author of Geeks, Girls, and Secret Identities and Unidentified Suburban Object. He is a library professional by day, a writer (and ukulele player) by night and was a founding member of the #WeNeedDiverseBooks team. He lives in Oakland, California, with his wife and two children.

Book Title(s):

The Boys in the Back Row (2020)

Unidentified Suburban Object (2016)

Geek Girls and Secret Identities (2012)

Age Categories:
Middle Grade
Science Fiction
Publicity Information:

Asian Author Alliance is happy to present a Directory of Asian Kidlit Authors as a way to help others discover and amplify Asian voices and stories!

If you're an Asian author who would you like to be a part of the directory? Please submit your info here.

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