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Lulu Cheng started out in the hospitality industry and later became an elementary school teacher. She is now a wife, mom of two bitty babes, and a co-founder of Bitty Bao. Bitty Bao creates high-quality, engaging, and culturally relevant Chinese bilingual board books which include engaging pictures for the youngest of readers, 拼音(pīn yīn) for non-native speakers, and traditional characters with 注音 (zhù yīn). Since her bitty babes were born, Lulu has worked hard to embed Chinese language and culture into everything that they do. Lulu’s struggle to find cute bilingual Chinese books for her kids’ bedtime soon evolved into a #bigbittydream to make Chinese board books of her own for families just like hers.
Counting With Dim Sum (Bitty Bao LLC, 2020)
The Colors of Snow Ice (Bitty Bao LLC, 2020)
Everyday Heroes (Bitty Bao LLC, 2020)
Celebrating Chinese New Year (Bitty Bao LLC, 2021)
Lucky Lunar Animals (Bitty Bao LLC, 2021)
Dragon Boat Festival (Bitty Bao LLC, 2021)