Asian Authors Directory

I have been writing since the early eighties. My earliest literary works were poems. My first collection was published in 1983.Since then I have published eight volumes of poetry on various themes. In 1999 I branched out to write short fiction. So far I have published three volumes of short stories. Two have won State literary awards. I was awarded a state award for poetry in 2004.My first novel was short listed for the best novel in 2019. My poetry was awarded the Publisher’s award twice. I was a regular at the SAARC Literary Festival and the Poetic Prism in Vijayawada, India.In recognition of my literary contribution to Srilankan English Literature the Government of Srilanka bestowed on me the Lifetime award of Sahitya Ratna, given only once to a writer.Currently, I am putting together a collection of short stories dedicated to women
Anithyagama(S.Godage and Brothers,2022)
An Untold Story, (S. Godage and Brothers, 2019)
The Potted Plant(S.Godage and Brothers,2015)
Ten Stories(Author publisher ,2012,),Impressions( S. Godage and Brothers,2015,)
This Other Trojan Woman(Author Publisher,2015,)
Death by Drowning and Other Stories,(Author Publisher,1999
My Green Book,( Author Publisher,2015)
Poems Written in Silence,( S. Godage and Brothers,2021)
Millennium Poems,(Author Publisher,2004)
Early Poems( Author Publisher,2017)
State Literary Award for the best Collection of Poetry(2004)
State Literary Award for the Best Collection of Short Stories(2012)
State Literary Award for the Best Collection of Short Stories(2015)
Godage Award for the est Collection of Short Stories(2012)
Godage Award for the Best Collection of Short Stories(2015)
Godage Award for the Best Collection of Poetry(2021)
Awarded the once in a life time Sahitya Rathna by the Government of Sri Lanka