Asian Authors Directory

Elsie Chapman grew up in Prince George, Canada, and has a degree in English literature from the University of British Columbia. She is the author of the YA novels Dualed, Divided, Along the Indigo, and Caster as well as the MG novel All the Ways Home, and co-editor of A Thousand Beginnings and Endings and Hungry Hearts. Chinese-Canadian, she currently lives in Tokyo with her family.
Spell Starter (October 6th, 2020, Scholastic)
Color Outside the Lines (November 12th, 2019, Soho Teen)
Caster (September 3rd, 2019, Scholastic)
Hungry Hearts (June 18, 2019, Simon & Schuster/Pulse)
All the Ways Home (May 28, 2019, Macmillan/Feiwel & Friends)
Shades Within Us (September 8th, 2018, Laksa Media)
A Thousand Beginnings and Endings (June 26th, 2018, HarperCollins/Greenwillow)
Along the Indigo (March 20th, 2018, Abrams/Amulet)
Where the Stars Rise (October 7th, 2017, Laksa Media)
Divided (May 2014, Random House Children’s)
Dualed (February 2013, Random House Children’s)