Asian Authors Directory

Cristina Oxtra is a Filipino American children’s book author. She writes fiction and nonfiction, including biographies, chapter books, middle grade novels, and graphic novels. Her first picture book will be published in 2024.
Cristina earned a BA in journalism and an MFA in creative writing for children and young adults. She was awarded the 2019 – 2020 Mirrors & Windows Fellowship for indigenous writers and writers of color at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis and is a teaching artist at the center.
Cristina is a public relations professional, military veteran, and former journalist and educator. She enjoys spending time with family, martial arts, cooking, baking, supernatural and paranormal television shows, and comic cons. She dreams of writing a story for Disney, Pixar, or Marvel one day. She is represented by BooksEnds Literary Agency.
Stephen Hawking: Get to Know the Man Behind the Theory (Capstone, 2019)
Stan Lee: Get to Know the Comics Creator (Capstone, 2020)
Tae Kwon Do Test (Capstone, 2020)
Tara and the Towering Wave: An Indian Ocean Tsunami Survival Story (Capstone, 2020)
Red Riding Hood, a Manga-inspired graphic novel (Capstone, 2020)
Keep Dancing (Capstone, 2021)
Recipient of 2019-2020 Mirrors & Windows Fellowship for indigenous writers and writers of color at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN