Asian Authors Directory

Amy M. Le was born in Vietnam and immigrated to the United States in 1980 at the age of five with her mother and cousin. Her family was among the hundreds of thousands of boat people who fled Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. They were sponsored to Seattle, WA and made a life for themselves in the Pacific Northwest. Amy graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in Sociology and worked in the technology and telecommunications sector for twenty years. After her mother’s death in February 2017, Amy left her corporate career to write her debut novel SNOW IN VIETNAM as a tribute to her mother’s heroic decision to flee Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. Today, Amy is a full-time writer living in Oklahoma with her husband and son. Her Snow trilogy are historical and women’s fiction novels based on her family’s life and are available through independent bookstores and online retailers. Amy calls the Pacific Northwest and Oklahoma her home. Her greatest joy is spending time with her husband, son, and their pets. When Amy is not writing, she volunteers at The CARE Center, a child advocacy center in Oklahoma County, and serves as president of the Oklahoma City Writers, Inc. Amy is a congenital heart defect warrior and Vietnam War survivor. Through community work, Amy is active in the CHD community having co-founded The Heart Community Collection, an online resource for the heart community, and partners with Healing Hearts Vietnam a non-profit organization that raises money to provide life-saving open-heart surgeries for the underserved people of Vietnam.
Snow in Vietnam (Mercury West Publishing, 2019)
Snow in Seattle (Quill Hawk Publishing, 2020)
Snow’s Kitchen (Quill Hawk Publishing, 2020)
Pacific Northwest Writers Association 2018 Literary Award for Historical Fiction
Oklahoma Writers Federation Inc 2020 Literary Award for Mainstream Fiction